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          ABOUT ME

Orlando Murcia Perdomo is a senior Electronic Engineer in Huila State University’s Surcolombiana University, where he is pursuing a degree in Electronics. Currently he is doing a research internship at Purdue University in the Mechanical Engineering department, working on the "MicrokARt" project, which seeks to reduce barriers for children to enter the world of technology.

Recently he won a scholarship through Mintic to study data science at Correlational One program called “Data science for all”. Orlando has a specialization made by Coursera in Deep Learning building neural networks architectures such as Convolutional Neural networks, Recurrent Neural Networks and LSTMs.  In his studies, Orlando developed skills in designing analog/digital and intelligent controlled systems, autonomous robots, printed circuits boards and internet of the things (IoT) devices. He enjoys studying English, taking artificial intelligence lessons, volunteering, and traveling.  Upon completion of his undergraduate studies, he intends to apply to graduate school to further his knowledge of artificial intelligence and progress towards a career as a professional.

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